People. Part 1
04 May 2020There are all sorts of people around us. The intelligent, smart, wise, proactive and also the frustrating, toxic, nagging. We often imagine to try to be our best, better than others or at least try. It’s something which we naturally do. Everyone wants their niche. Everyone is better at something than someone. The surroundings are wavy. This process takes a long time. Long long time. We discover new information every day and with more data, we learn. We often reach at same conclusions at different points with varied information and it’s often astonishing how sometimes very little information and more information can yield similar conclusions whereas in the between there’s something else going on. I like to think of it as layers of clouds. Everyone has their layers of clouds and they hop up, down and around in time. The cloud denotes the ideas and perceptions we believe in. It takes us time to realize the breadth of thinking people may have. Some people go on to judge people quickly and it’d be irony for me to say that they’ve to still mature. While one can derive conclusions with a fixed set of instructions, it’s often those good perceptions if not right are subjective. People are on different clouds at different times, a subset of it being on a different ‘page’. People should be judged because that’s how we decide how and whom to interact with. But after considering that they’ve gone through the required ‘learning pages’ in their life and jumped through those clouds enough. We like to interact with people who understand us, relate to us, make us feel better and give us something to learn and look upon. In the emotional terms, I think it’d be right to say that this forms the basis of emotional intelligence of our social interactions. I don’t know if the analogy makes sense. I don’t like analogies because I believe that making unnatural connections for explanations isn’t how it should be. This one doesn’t seem that bad. There are few which are very naturally connected. I think I’d talk more about people and thoughts sometime later, hence the title. It’s interesting, both the width and depth.