I Finally Start To Write?
03 May 2020Oh, how many times have I thought of writing a blog. I was often bogged down by the commitment I had to give to it. I’d started a blog when I was 14 but it soon dissolved away. Then I started writing in my diary, just because. Well, that faded too. This quarantine time reminded me that I should start writing. For myself. And maybe also for those very few friends of mine who read and appreciate it. If you’re reading this, I’m yay-ing. It was best to have it theme-less, more like a personal thoughts blog. Even though it’s public, hardly anyone would read everything. Do we write to validate ourselves? In a way.
I’d talk about anything I came across and found interesting or just about my day. A lot of interesting things keep happening throughout my day, no drama. It’s 20:42 on 3rd of May. Of course, it’s 2020. Writing is helps me articulate better. Thoughts flowing in my mind turn into words. I think and wander off. In the pursuit of all characteristics which define my success and how I contribute to the world, it helps me to be at peace with myself. I hope it helps me open up more in terms of thoughtfulness, and I don’t ever run down the path of supposed cringe or cliché. It’d be a sin. I think this is a good short start post. I sound so serious, sheesh. There’s music and there’s breeze. I’m alone in my room, and it’s a wonderful evening. See you.